Only four days to go to the launch of the new book, Bystanders. It's been a packed few weeks. First, the publication and the excellent response to the Literati group's production of Something in the Blood - Vampire Tales with a Christian Bite. The launch, in the North Adelaide Lutheran Church, was a fun occasion, and the garlic bread and red cordial we served seemed to get an appropriate reaction... Guest speaker, Dr Lynn Arnold, gave the book a tremendous introduction to the world, and made it clear that this was an arena where the popular interest in vampires and Christian concerns could meet most productively. Four of us read excerpts from the book - including my poem 'Apostate'. Sales were good, and the audience enthusiastic. A good night.
Now I'm in the throes of preparation for my own book launch, with some great publicity in the morning's Advertiser, in the Articles of Faith section. The photo, with my huge old family Bible, Heilige Schrift, could have been worse, so I'm relieved. On other fronts, good to see the latest issue of The Write Angle arrive in my mailbox, with poems by both David and me. But little writing is getting done, as my main work for the moment seems to be promotion and marketing of Bystanders, a very time-consuming affair. Roll on the launch, and back to real life. One of the really good side-effects of this launch, at the West Torrens Auditorium, has been the getting back into touch with so many old friends who are planning to attend.