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Grimms Tales in modern guise



Back at my desk

Thursday, 16 January 2014 10:30

A month today, I discover, since I lasted updated my News page - and that's both amazing and somewhat terrifying. Not really a surprise - it's been a busy time, with a houseful of guests over Christmas and a birthday in January, and lots of work on marketing Passion Play. Guest speaking is great fun, and I must admit I really enjoy radio interviews, but it all takes preparation time. However, I've had some lovely interviewers, and it's been a pleasure to talk to them about my new book.

Hard to believe the last month

Monday, 16 December 2013 10:30

I'm still reeling after the last month's events. First that wonderful launch in Brisbane, with many old friends and even some ex-students in the audience at Avid Reader bookshop. And another brilliant introduction for Passion Play by Jane Greenwood, who had read it so thoughtfully and perceptively that I found myself seeing things I hadn't realised in writing the book! That was indeed a great night.

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