Grimms Tales in modern guise
A month today, I discover, since I lasted updated my News page - and that's both amazing and somewhat terrifying. Not really a surprise - it's been a busy time, with a houseful of guests over Christmas and a birthday in January, and lots of work on marketing Passion Play. Guest speaking is great fun, and I must admit I really enjoy radio interviews, but it all takes preparation time. However, I've had some lovely interviewers, and it's been a pleasure to talk to them about my new book.
I'm still reeling after the last month's events. First that wonderful launch in Brisbane, with many old friends and even some ex-students in the audience at Avid Reader bookshop. And another brilliant introduction for Passion Play by Jane Greenwood, who had read it so thoughtfully and perceptively that I found myself seeing things I hadn't realised in writing the book! That was indeed a great night.