Flowers & Forebears (Pocket Poets, Ginninderra Press, 2014) recognises the power of flowers to trigger memories of significant people in one’s past, and to recall incidents which have left an enduring impression, like my six-year-old smacked legs after I had pulled all the buds from my mother’s prized agapanthus plants, or the summer mornings when as children we followed my father’s directions to bag the heads of the marigold flowers for seed for next year’s planting.
This little book is for all those who have ever smelled a particular flower perfume or seen a special flower, and thought “That reminds me of ...”
These are my memories
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Text Here Flower Power Let no one tell you Instead a key, The delicate softness of the rose, My forebears stand and welcome me (from Out of Due Season) One jacaranda flower – (from My parents’ garden) I recollect the year (from Wattle) Then springtime, and the glory (From Microcosm) In orchards where we walk Then as that other golden ball REVIEW: Review Name, 2015.
Flowers & Forebears Poetry
that the slow and secret growth,
the burgeoning life of gardens,
is their sole delight.
unlocking doors of memory
to childhood days and other places.
the golden flash of sunflowers,
the heavy scent of jasmine in the air ...
And suddenly I am again a child,
drifting in the fields of reminiscence.
into the worlds that I have known.
Gladly I re-enter.
early, out of season –
poignant reminder of the days that were –
foreshadowing with such certainty
a time to come.
my father brought home Peace.
Eponymous – that post-war flower.
Planted lovingly, tended with such care,
hey watched it grow and flower.
They stood admiring every bloom: each creamy heart, its delicate flush,
the petal edges crimson-pink.
My mother’s work-roughed hands
poised tremulously on the velvet
of the graceful curve of petals.
of the wattles in the drive.
Each ball a golden sphere,
trapped sunshine, small perfections.
They grew. They flourished.
in freshness of the pre-dawn,
when skies are stretched in that washed grey
which hangs across the earth like tented sheets,
one finds the loquat tree
with treasure guarded from the plunderer.
assaults our eyes while gazing at horizons,
we know again that in each life
one finds the perfect moment
for all things.