Now, in the next two months, I have speaking engagements for all sorts of organisations and a number of poetry and/or writing groups, so I've been busy working on a very detailed powerpoint presentation that covers the whole background to the Oberammergau Passion Play. I've really learned many things I hadn't known about medieval passion plays and their rise and fall, and particularly, of course, more about the near 400 years of the Oberammergau play. Pictorial material has been fun to search out, and I've been impressed by how much there is available on the internet.
But it does limit writing time, and I'm starting to feel that sense of frustration that bedevils all writers when we're not writing - that's why I see the next months as having to be 'back at my desk'! Time to become productive again! The four or five poems written in the last month were just enough to keep the daemon pacified (remember Elizabeth Gilbert's theory of the daemon who keeps us creating?) but I can feel his reproachful eyes on me.