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The current issue of the journal 'Studio' gave me such pleasure that I'm reproducing it in full. It's the sort of review that makes one keep writing, even in the most dismal moments of self-doubt.

The Adelaide Review - January issue - page 22 featured my latest book, under the headline 'Grimmer Tales.' Quote reviewer Nina Bertok: "On the 200th anniversary of the printing of the Grimm Brothers' legendary collection of dark tales, The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, Australian author Valerie Volk's twisted adaptation of the classic stories takes the 'grim' factor to another level." ... "She takes much loved children's fairytales ... and completely flips them on their head."

A retrospective on November/December

Great book launches in two more states. Initially the trip to Queensland at the end of November for, first, taking part in the IP Publications annual Gala Event, in which four new books published by the house were launched. An afternoon at the Kookaburra Cafe in Paddington, with a lovely outlook over the gardens behind.

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